Learn about our past campaigns.
Leverett for LES Challenge
Acorn Blackberry Crocus Campaign
JUNE 2023: LEF awarded five grants totaling $19,000 to strengthen outdoor education curricula and encourage innovation at LES. These grants support the following projects and activities:
Maintaining and expanding the Greenhouse & Garden Program
Rebuilding the LES low-ropes challenge course, the only elementary school program of its kind in the Pioneer Valley
Creating a Bird Nook in the library, including outdoor feeders, bird guides and texts, and the opportunity for students to contribute to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s Project FeederWatch
Launching the Summer @ LES Garden & Nature Program
Establishing a Principal’s Discretionary Fund to enable LES to take advantage of unanticipated opportunities to connect Leverett's children with the natural world
The “nature” of teaching in Leverett.
LES Greenhouse Fund
LES Greenhouse Fund
DECEMBER 2021: LEF made a grant of $13,000 to LES to cover the cost of a new greenhouse roof and irrigation system ($650), a storage shed, shelving, and outdoor seating ($4,000), gardening tools and teaching materials ($2,150), soil amendments and seeds ($200), and to support the Greenhouse Program Director’s stipend for FY 2022-23 ($6,000).
There’s something (special) in the soil at the LES Greenhouse.
The Many Safe Returns Fund
Many Safe Returns Fund
NOVEMBER 2020: LEF and the LES PTO made an initial grant of $20,000 to meet 17 specific requests from LES and Union 28 for expenditures related to remote and in-person learning, including technology hardware ($7,500), software ($4,260), professional development ($3,000), curriculum and instructional materials ($5,955), and in-person learning resources ($1,735).
MARCH 2021: A second grant of $4,200 was made to LES to support the rental of three tents for outdoor learning activities.